IORA Blue Carbon Hub think tank - Opportunities for using nature, biodiversity and carbon markets to support sustainable management of coastal ecosystems
25 Sep, 2024   |   News

The IORA Blue Carbon Hub, in collaboration with the Thailand Department of Marine and Coastal Resources and the IORA Secretariat, hosted the 5th think-tank meeting on ‘Opportunities for using nature, biodiversity and carbon markets to support sustainable management of coastal ecosystems’ from 10th to 12th September 2024. The meeting provided IORA Member States with an opportunity to learn more about the potential to use market mechanisms to finance protection and restoration and generate livelihood opportunities for coastal communities. 


Several recommendations were made during the meeting as the way forward to promoting the restoration and sustainable management of coastal ecosystems, including inter alia: the need for more capacity building programme on various topics such as carbon standards, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), biodiversity credits, among others. 


The IORA Blue Carbon Hub aims to build knowledge and capacity to protect and restore blue carbon ecosystems throughout the Indian Ocean, in a way that enhances livelihoods, reduces risks from coastal hazards, and helps mitigate climate change. Learn more about work of the Hub here.

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