Capacity building programme on Waste Segregation and Plastic Recycling for IORA Member States to be held from 18-22 March 2024 in Singapore
18 Mar - 21 Mar 2024   |   Events

Waste Segregation and Plastic Recycling is an important component of the IORA Strategic Framework of Action to Combat Marine Debris in the Indian Ocean. To address this issue, Singapore will host the Capacity building programme on Waste Segregation and Plastic Recycling for IORA Member States” on 18-22 March 2024 in Singapore.

The programme aims to cover the following topics: 

  • Singapore Green Plan 2030 – towards a sustainable and environmental-friendly Singapore 
  • Singapore’s approach to integrated solid waste management – waste minimisation and recycling 
  • Different forms of waste (solid, hazardous, chemical, healthcare) and treatment 
  • Management of food waste, including public engagement 
  • Sustainable waste management strategies in Singapore e.g. 3R programmes and Zero Waste Management 
  • Case studies on Singapore’s waste management strategy 
  • Collaboration with stakeholders e.g. NGOS, community, businesses 
  • Legislation and enforcement of waste management policies