The Indian Ocean Research Group (IORG) became an observer of IORA in August 2010, following the granting of the status of observer to it by the Council of Ministers Meeting, held in Sanaa, Yemen.
Since its adhesion to the organization, IORG has been involved in the following activities with IORA:
- International Symposium IORA 20th Anniversary on Learning from the Past and Charting the Future Yogyakarta, Indonesia - 14-15th September 2016;
- Indian Ocean Dialogue 2015 -Perth, Australia;
- Meeting of Indian Ocean Rim Association Academic Group (IORAG) in Jakarta, August 2015: "Developing a Research Programme for IORAG";
- The Conference on the Political Economy of Indian Ocean Maritime Africa that was held in Nairobi, Kenya, in March 2014; and
- The Journal of the Indian Ocean Region (Taylor and Francis), which is the flagship journal of IORG Inc, is also affiliated with the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Academic Group.
- To encourage research on geopolitical, economic, socio-cultural, environmental, scientific and technological issues relevant to the Indian Ocean Region
- To promote dialogue on the peaceful uses and ecologically sustainable development of maritime resources based on the principle of common heritage
- To foster interstate cooperation in the sustainable management of ocean resources and the peaceful resolution of maritime disputes
- To ensure a holistic discourse on the human and environmental security of the Region among its states, peoples and communities
- To contribute to an understanding of the causes as well as the effects of a wide range of non-traditional regional security threats
- To facilitate information flow and discussion on international maritime regimes and the rights of states and local communities representing the Indian Ocean Region
- To initiate informed policy debate among governments, NGOs, business groups, academics and other stakeholders in the Indian Ocean Region on issues of common concern
The JIOR was approved as an IORA Journal by the IORA Council of Ministers Meeting (COM) in Perth, Australia, on 9 October 2014. Through the generous support of the previous Chairs of IORA (Australia, Indonesia, South Africa, UAE and Bangladesh) all IORA Member States and their interested parties have had access to the Journal (hard copy and online) free of charge since 2015, along with IORA’s logo reflected on the Journal. The Secretariat is responsible for the management of the annual subscriptions of the Secretariat and Member States. Sri Lanka is currently offering to fund the subscriptions for IORA Member State and Secretariat during its Chairship.
The organization is dedicated to promoting the educational, scientific and technological development of all aspects of marine sciences throughout the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region (consisting of 10 countries: Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, Réunion (France), with a view toward sustaining the use and conservation of its marine resources.
WIOMSA has a particular interest in linking the knowledge that emerges from research to the management and governance issues that affect marine and coastal ecosystems in the region.