Blue Economy

The Blue Economy initiative within the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) has emerged as a pivotal force, driving sustainable socio-economic growth among its member nations. Introduced in 2014, it strives to foster balanced development while safeguarding marine resources. 

Through collaborative efforts, member states have embarked on a journey to harness the vast potential of the blue economy. Since its introduction in IORA in 2014, Member States are committed to make this sector a driver for a balanced socio-economic growth and sustainable development.

The objectives of the working group, which serves as a platform for collaboration and networking, range from implementing action plans to fostering dialogue and information exchange.  

The IORA Blue Economy team drives sustainable oceanic growth and resource management. Embracing public-private partnerships and technology transfer, it paves the way for enhanced livelihoods through capacity building. By promoting the protection and conservation of marine resources, informing policy decisions, and promoting public-private partnerships, the WGBE seeks to realise its overarching goal of promoting the development of the blue economy in a manner that is:  

  • Socially inclusive; 
  • Economically inclusive; and  
  • Environmentally sustainable. 
IORA’s Blue Economy focus areas
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Seaport and Shipping
Renewable Ocean Energy
Marine Biotechnology, Research and Development
Latest news
The Blue Economy represents a sustainable development approach that advocates for the ...
Past Events
The Republic of Korea hosted the 4th Republic of Korea (ROK)-IORA Partnership Seminar on “Exploring comprehensive and systematic management and response strategies for Marine Debris”, 14 December 2023, Seoul
The 1.5 track forum which had brought together policymakers and experts from ROK, IORA Member States ...
The Regional Workshop on Aquatic Animal Health in IORA region, 22-26 October 2023, Muscat, Oman
The IORA Fisheries Support Unit, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Wealth & Water Resources of ...
The Third Meeting of the IORA Working Group on the Blue Economy (WGBE), 21 August 2023, Online
The Republic of South Africa, Chair of the Working Group on the Blue Economy (WGBE) hosted the Third ...
The IORA Blue Carbon Hub Think Tank Meeting on Nature-based Solutions for Coastal Adaptation,12-14 September 2023, Bali, Indonesia
The IORA Blue Carbon Hub in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime and Investment ...
Capacity building programme on Waste Segregation and Plastic Recycling for IORA Member States to be held from 18-22 March 2024 in Singapore
Waste Segregation and Plastic Recycling is an important component of the IORA Strategic Framework of ...
The First Workshop on the Development of the IORA Guideline on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing,13-14 September 2023, Jakarta, Indonesia
Participants from 15 IORA Member States attended the 1st Workshop on the Development of the IORA ...
3rd meeting of the Core Group of Fisheries Management (CGFM), 12 September 2023, Jakarta, Indonesia
The 3rd Meeting of IORA Core Group on Fisheries Management (CGFM) was hosted by Indonesia, in ...
9th Indian Ocean Dialogue on Innovation in Blue Economy and its Role in GDP Contribution, 22-23 May 2023, Zanzibar, Tanzania
To facilitate regional, interdisciplinary discussions across various Blue Economy sectors and ...
Training Workshop on Best Practices in Sea cucumber seed production and Seaweed tubular farming, 7-11 November 2022, Tanzania
The IORA Secretariat with the technical assistance of COFREPECHE hosted a training workshop in ...
Training workshop on Research and sustainable management of Blue Carbon Ecosystems in the Indian Ocean, 27 November - 2 December 2022, Toliara, Madagascar
The Fishery and Marine Science Institute (Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines - IH.SM) of ...
To promote socially, economically inclusive and environmentally sustainable development of the Blue Economy.
Objectives of The Working Group
  • To implement the IORA Action Plan and decisions, which will be endorsed by the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) for approval by the Council of Ministers’ Meeting (COMM)
  • To develop and implement a Work Plan for the Blue Economy and to review it as and when necessary
  • To create a common platform for dialogue and exchange of information, including on opportunities, challengesand best practices
  • To strengthen networks of policy-makers, research institutions, academics, experts, civil society representatives and stakeholders
  • To make recommendations that would inform policy and decision-making to be endorsed by CSO and COM;
  • To foster cooperation amongst IORA Member States in respect of Blue Economy, in collaboration with Dialogue Partners and other key international/regional stakeholders as necessary
  • To promote strengthened public-private partnerships and transfer of technology in the Blue Economy
  • To develop and support appropriate mechanisms of cooperation for sustainable development in the Blue Economy
  • To encourage Member States and Dialogue Partners to offer training and capacity building programmes to meet the needs and improve livelihoods of Member States, including coastal communities
  • To promote the protection and conservation of the marine resources and capacity building to identify and manage risk to the marine ecosystem and associated biodiversity
  • To promote strengthened legal and regulatory frameworks with regards to the sustainable development of the Blue Economy if necessary.The Working Group adopted a Work Plan that consists of projects identified by Member States to advance the blue economy agenda in the Indian Ocean region. The Work Plan can be accessed here.
Dr Shamimtaz B. Sadally Roomaldawo
Senior Programme Officer (Blue Economy and Fisheries Management)
Melyne Tarer
International expert