Training programme on “enhancing by-catch landing, valorisation, traceability, and quality, including the development of safe handling guides and species identification guides”, 29 March – 1 April 2022, Seychelles
29 Mar - 31 Mar 2022   |   Events

The IORA Secretariat with the technical assistance provided by AFD and COFREPECHE hosted the Training programme on “enhancing by-catch landing, valorisation, traceability, and quality, including the development of safe handling guides and species identification guides”, on 29 March – 1 April 2022, in Seychelles. This workshop aimed to demonstrate how to benefit from the valorisation of bycatch species caught in commercial tuna fisheries through applying best international practice by navigating through the many regulations and requirements to ensure production of value added products that can be safely eaten by communities and exported, but also potentially creating income from these resources in IORA State waters.